
IBPS Bank PO Recruitment Exam Overview

IBPS PO Exam is an annual recruitment examination conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) to select eligible candidates for the position of Probationary Officer (PO) in various public sector banks across India. Since its inception in 2011, IBPS PO exam has been a primary gateway for individuals aspiring to build a career in banking. Selection process for IBPS PO consists of three stages: Prelims, Mains and Interview.

Each year, thousands of candidates participate in the exam, with vacancies being announced for various participating banks. Exam is conducted online at multiple locations across India. Detailed information about the vacancies, eligibility and exam pattern is typically released through an official notification, which can be accessed on the IBPS website.

The upcoming IBPS Clerk exam for the year 2025-2026 is named CRP PO/MT-XV, marking its 15th edition.

Tentative Dates for IBPS CRP PO/MT-XV

Preliminary Examination: 04 October 2025, 05 October 2025, and 11 October 2025

Mains Exam: 29 November 2025

The selection process is carefully designed by IBPS, consisting of a preliminary exam and a mains exam. Candidates need to clear both phases successfully to be eligible for the much-desired job. This exhaustive guide is intended to give aspirants a thorough insight into the IBPS PO/ MT exam, covering every aspect of it.

Also Read: What is the Role of IBPS in Bank Recruitment?

Process of Registration for IBPS CRP PO/MT-XV: The registration process will be online mode only and there will be a single registration for both Preliminary and Main examinations, wherever applicable.

We have created a comprehensive guide that provides comprehensive insights, strategies and essential information to assist you in successfully dealing with the entire recruitment process of IBPS Probationary Officer exam.

Major Highlights of IBPS PO Exam:

  • Conducting Body: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
  • Exam Name: IBPS Probationary Officer (PO)
  • Objective: Recruitment of PO/Management Trainees in Public Sector Banks
  • Stages: Preliminary Exam and Mains Exam
  • Participating Banks: Different Public Sector Banks in India
  • Frequency: Yearly

IBPS PO Exam Structure

IBPS PO Recruitment is conducted annually through the Common Recruitment Process (CRP) to select Probationary Officers (PO) and Management Trainees (MT) for public sector banks. The process, started in 2011, consists of three stages:

  1. Online Preliminary Examination – Shortlisting candidates for the Main Exam.
  2. Online Mains Examination – Candidates must meet the sectional and overall cutoffs to qualify for the Interview.
  3. Interview – Conducted by participating banks with IBPS coordination.

Final result is based on performance in Mains exam and Interview, followed by Provisional Allotment based on candidates’ preferences. IBPS handles the recruitment until provisional allotment; after that, banks manage the joining process.

IBPS PO Exam Pattern

Overview of exam pattern is given below:

IBPS PO Preliminary Examination

Preliminary Exam is an online examination with specific timing for every section. The entire duration is 60 minutes and the exam has 3 sections with 100 questions for a maximum of 100 marks. There is a penalty of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. Candidates have to clear the cutoff in all sections to get selected for the Mains Exam.

           S. No.                                Name of Test                                      No. of Questions                    Maximum Marks                           Duration                           
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

IBPS PO Mains Examination

Mains Exam is a computer-based exam and has 5 sections in total, i.e., there is a descriptive paper. There are 200 marks for all the objective sections and 25 marks for the descriptive paper. Total of 3 hours is designated for the objective section while 30 minutes is for the descriptive section.

          S. No.                    Name of Test              No. of Questions                          Maximum Marks                               Duration                
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2English Language354040 minutes
3Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
4General Economy & Banking Awareness404035 minutes
Total1552003 hours
5English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)22530 minutes

Penalty for Incorrect Responses

There is a penalty for wrong answers in the objective tests for both Preliminary and Mains exams. One-fourth of the marks allocated to the question will be deducted for each wrong answer. For instance, a question with 1 mark will lead to a deduction of 0.25 marks. There is no penalty for not attempting a question.

Final Score Calculation for IBPS PO Exam

Final score is calculated on the basis of the following:

  • Preliminary Exam (Tier-1): Marks scored in the Preliminary Exam are not included in the final score and are only utilized for qualification to the Mains Exam (Tier-2).
  • Phase-2 and Interview: Candidates have to clear both Mains Exam (Phase-2) and Interview individually to qualify for the final merit list.
  • Weightage: Final merit list is calculated on a weighted score, where the IBPS PO Mains Exam carries 80% weightage and the Interview carries 20% weightage.
  • Final Merit List: The total score out of 100, obtained from the combined result in the Mains Exam and Interview, decides the final shortlisting. Candidates with the highest merit ranks within each category are selected.

Cut-Off for IBPS PO exam

IBPS PO cut-off is released for each phase of the exam along with the scorecard.

  • Normalization of Scores: Scores will be normalized using the equi-percentile method and rounded to two decimal points.

Below is the category-wise and sectional cut-off for the IBPS PO Preliminary Exam 2024 for reference:

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2024 – Category-wise

CategoryCut-Off Marks

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2024 – Section-wise

   Subject Name     Maximum Marks       Cut-Off Marks (GEN)      Cut-Off Marks (SC/ST/OBC/PwD)   
   Quantitative Aptitude3573.50
Reasoning Ability356.752.50
English Language30106.75

Candidates must clear both the overall and sectional cut-offs to proceed to the next phase of the exam.

IBPS PO exam Language Options: PO exam, both preliminary and mains, are bilingual, i.e. available in both English and Hindi.

Also Read: IBPS Bank Customer Support Associate Recruitment Exam Overview

IBPS PO exam syllabus

Syllabus of IBPS PO examination consists of three major sections: Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. Similar to other banking exams, IBPS specifies general subject areas, which may be further divided into precise topics. Topics are developed on the basis of questions given in previous year’s examinations, providing a more specific roadmap for preparation.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Syllabus

Reasoning AbilityLogical Reasoning, Alphanumeric Series, Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test, Data Sufficiency, Coded Inequalities, Seating Arrangement, Puzzle, Tabulation, Syllogism, Blood Relations, Input-Output, Coding-Decoding
Quantitative AptitudeSimplification, Profit & Loss, Mixtures & Allegations, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Surds & Indices, Work & Time, Time & Distance, Mensuration (Cylinder, Cone, Sphere), Data Interpretation, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Number Systems, Sequence & Series, Permutation, Combination & Probability
English LanguageReading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting, Fill in the Blanks, Miscellaneous, Paragraph Completion

IBPS PO/MT Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must satisfy IBPS’s minimum eligibility for CRP-PO/MT-XIV. Compliance with these requirements doesn’t ensure employment, as final decisions are made by the Participating Banks.

Candidates must provide supporting documents (category, nationality, age, qualifications) at the time of interviews. Category changes are not permissible after applying. Applying or qualifying doesn’t ensure job placement.

1. Nationality/Citizenship

A candidate should be:

(i) Citizen of India,

(ii) Subject of Nepal or Bhutan,

(iii) Tibetan Refugee who has permanently settled in India on or before 1st January 1962,

(iv) Person of Indian origin who has migrated from certain countries (Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, Vietnam) with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Applicants falling in categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) have to produce a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India.

2. Age Limit

  • Minimum: 20 years
  • Maximum: 30 years (Born between 02.08.1994 and 01.08.2004, both dates inclusive)

Relaxation of Upper Age Limit

Category   Age Relaxation      
SC/ST5 years
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)3 years
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities10 years
Ex-Servicemen (5+ years of service)5 years
Persons affected by 1984 riots5 years

3. Educational Qualifications

  • Any Graduation Degree from a Government recognized University or an equivalent degree.
  • Should possess a valid Mark-sheet/ Degree Certificate by the date of registration and provide the percentage of graduation at the time of online registration.


1. Qualifications should be from a recognized institute with result declaration on or before the specified date.

2. Result declaration proof to be produced at the interview.

3. Graduation percentage or convert CGPA/OGPA to percentage to be mentioned by candidates while registering.

4. Percentage calculation: Total marks secured divided by total maximum marks, multiplied by 100. Fractions will be disregarded.

Credit History

1. Candidate should have a good credit history according to the policy of the participating bank, which can change from time to time.

2. Candidates with old CIBIL status should update it or submit NOCs from lenders indicating no dues. Non-compliance can lead to offer cancellation at the bank’s discretion.

Note: All candidates not holding a bank account are exempt from furnishing CIBIL status. Having a CIBIL score is not a condition prior to making the application.

Application Fees & Intimation Charges

  • Rs. 175/- (inclusive of GST) for SC/ST/PwBD/ESM/DESM candidates.
  • Rs. 850/- (inclusive of GST) for all other candidates.

For online payments, candidates will be required to bear bank transaction charges.

Identity Verification

(i) Documents to be produced:

Produce the call letter and a valid photo ID (same name as on the call letter) such as PAN, Passport, Voter’s Card or Aadhaar. Ration Card and Learner’s License are not acceptable. In case of name change, submit a Gazette notification or affidavit. Capital letter signatures are not acceptable.

(ii) Biometric Verification:

Photo and biometric information (thumb impression) will be taken. Refusal can result in disqualification. Fingers should be clean, dry and uncoated.

(iii) Aadhaar Verification:

Online Aadhaar verification can be conducted during the process.

Name on the ID should be the same as on the online application.

Items Not Allowed in the Examination Area

Following items are not permitted:

  • Stationery (pencils, calculators, pens, etc.), electronic items (phones, Bluetooth, earphones, etc.), goggles, handbags, belts, caps, ornaments (rings, earrings, etc.), watches, cameras, metallic products, eatables and water bottles.
  • Any goods that may be utilized for unfair purposes or to conceal communication equipment.

Any deviation from these rules will lead to cancellation of candidature, disciplinary action and potential ban from subsequent exams. Candidates are requested not to bring prohibited articles, as safe custody cannot be ensured. IBPS will not be responsible for lost articles.

Procedure for Online Application:

1. Go to, click on “CRP PO/MT” and choose “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR CRP-PO/MT-XIV” to get the application form.

2. Register by providing basic information, creating a temporary registration number and password. These will be sent through Email and SMS for future modifications.

3. Upload documents that are necessary: Photograph, Signature, Left thumb impression, handwritten declaration and necessary certificates. There will also be a requirement of live photo.

4. Check and confirm all information prior to submission via “SAVE AND NEXT.” No changes are allowed after submission. Visually impaired candidates must check details before final submission.

Call Letters

Candidates are required to download their call letter for Preliminary and Main exams from the official website of IBPS by using their Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth. Hard copies will not be dispatched. Candidates who avail the facility of a scribe need to provide details and download the scribe declaration form and call letter.

Intimations will be sent through email/SMS. IBPS does not take any responsibility for any communication failures. Candidates should also check the IBPS website and their email on a regular basis.

Preliminary Exam:

Retain and validate the call letter at the test center. Take the call letter, ID proof and a recent photograph.

Main Exam:

Carry the authenticated Preliminary Exam call letter, Main Exam call letter and other documents as specified. Candidates who do not have the authenticated Preliminary call letter and ID proof copy will not be permitted to appear for the Main Exam.


Important points for the interview are as follows:

  • Shortlisted applicants from Online Main exam will be invited for an interview to be held by Participating Banks and organized by the Nodal Bank.
  • Interview schedule (date, time, place) will be indicated in the call letter.
  • No requests for rescheduling of interviews will be accepted, but IBPS can change details due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Interview is 100 marks with a minimum cut-off score of 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWBD).
  • The final marks are computed on the basis of 80:20 of Online Main Exam and Interview marks.
  • Candidates are required to qualify both phases in order to be considered for provisional allotment.
  • Genuine documents have to be brought along to the interview; otherwise, candidature will be cancelled.

Pre-Examination Training (online or physical) is available for a limited number of candidates from SC/ST/OBC/Minority Communities at selected centres across various cities. Those who wish to avail of this training must indicate their preference in the online application. Training is free, but candidates are responsible for their own travel, boarding and lodging expenses. IBPS reserves the right to cancel or add centres based on response and feasibility. Attendance at training does not guarantee selection.

Reservations for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities

Under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, persons with benchmark disabilities are eligible for reservation. Post is suitable for the following categories of disabilities:

1. Visual Impairment (VI):

  • Blindness: Total absence of sight, visual acuity < 3/60 or field of vision  < 10 degrees.
  • Low Vision: Visual acuity <= 6/18 to 3/60 or field of vision < 40 degrees.

2. Hearing Impairment (HI):

  • Deaf: 70 DB hearing loss in both ears.
  • Hard of Hearing: 60-70 DB hearing loss in both ears.

3. Orthopedically Challenged/ Locomotor Disability (OC/LD):

Includes conditions like Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Spinal Deformity/Spinal injury.

4. Intellectual Disability (ID):

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Specific Learning Disability (SLD) and Mental Illness (MI).

5. Multiple Disabilities (MD):

Includes a combination of disabilities from the above categories.

Note: To avail of reservation, candidates must have at least 40% disability, certified by a competent authority. The allocation of reserved vacancies will follow the guidelines of the Act and actual vacancies reported by participating banks. A disability certificate must be submitted for verification.

Scribe Facility Guidelines and Instructions

  • Candidates with benchmark disabilities are allowed to utilize a scribe, provided at their own expense, as per guidelines of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. A certificate issues by a government health institution is necessary, attesting to the requirement of a scribe. Qualification of scribe should be one level below that of the candidate.
  • Both scribe and candidate need to provide a declaration of eligibility criteria. Inaccurate details will disqualify them. Successful candidates will be provided with 20 minutes compensatory time for every hour. Compensatory time is available only to registered candidates.
  • Scribe cannot be a candidate for the same test. If the scribe is independently found to be answering or prompting, the candidature of the applicant and the scribe will be cancelled and they can be debarred from future tests.
  • IBPS can provide the list of debarred candidates to the other agencies. Online Aadhaar verification can be done at different stages.

Documents to be produced at the time of interview/document verification/joining

Candidates must submit original documents and self-attested photocopies at the time of interview. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. The required documents include:

  • Printout of valid interview call letter.
  • System-generated printout of the online application form.
  • Proof of Date of Birth (e.g., Birth Certificate or SSLC/Std. X Certificate).
  • Photo ID Proof as specified in the notification.
  • Graduation or equivalent qualification mark-sheets/certificates.
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable) in the prescribed format.
  • Income and Asset Certificate for EWS candidates.
  • Disability certificate for Persons with Benchmark Disability, if applicable
  •  Ex-serviceman candidates must provide Service or Discharge book, pension payment order and rank details.
  • NOC from current employer for Government/quasi-govt employees.
  • Certificate for age relaxation under the Rehabilitation Package for 1984 Riot Affected Persons (if applicable).
  • Government issued certificate of eligibility for candidates falling under certain categories.
  • Any other relevant documents supporting eligibility.

Failure to produce the required documents will result in restricting the candidates from further participation in the recruitment process.

General Instructions for IBPS PO exam

  • Candidates must bring valid documents, including the call letter and photo ID, to the online exams (Preliminary and Main) and interview. The call letter and photo ID will be authenticated at the exam center and returned. Failure to bring authenticated documents will result in disqualification.
  • Candidates must bring one additional photograph, matching the one on the call letter. Without it, they cannot appear for the exam. Ensure eligibility before applying, as any false information or document discrepancies may lead to cancellation of candidature at any stage.
  • Candidates must not submit more than one application; multiple submissions will result in forfeiting the application fee for extra entries. Only the latest valid application will be considered.
  • Use of a scribe is permitted under specific conditions, and the scribe must not be an applicant for the PO exam. Violation of this rule will lead to cancellation of both the candidate’s and scribe’s candidature.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to withdraw their applications or change details after submission. Applications once submitted are final.
  • IBPS has the discretion to change any aspect of the selection process.
  • During the exam, any issues affecting test delivery will be managed, but candidates cannot request a re-test. Candidates will attend the interview at their iwn expense, but eligible SC/ST candidates will be reimbursed travel expenses.
  • IBPS and participating banks are not responsible for any issues arising from unauthorized applications or incorrect details.


In summary, this detailed guide is a ready reckoner for every detail of IBPS PO exam, from eligibility and application process to exam pattern and document requirements. By adhering to these details, candidates can make the application process smooth and prepare well for every phase of the examination, improving their chances of success.

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