
How to Protect Your Network from Emerging Cyber Threats

Protecting one’s network whether for business or other organizations has become imperative for today’s highly sophisticated threat landscape. Cybersecurity threat actors are moving along in a similar rhythm and dynamics with technological innovations. They are evolving and employing more and more sophisticated threat mechanisms necessitating everyone who has a digital existence to watch out and employ a defence mechanism.

This blog aims to share some of the top defence mechanisms to protect your network from emerging cyber threats and save yourself from massive loss and damage. The blog also covers the importance of network security, the most common threats in network security and finally the security solutions and methods of preventing one’s network.

Why is Network Security Important?

A secure network is indispensable to keep one’s data protected in the digital ecosystem and to thwart off unauthorized access to systems. With the growing security threats, governmental regulatory standards have also evolved mandating any entity with a digital presence to comply with the standard norms, failing of which will result in facing legal consequences. Hence, in addition to maintaining a strong guard for your digital life, it is also a necessary obligation. To make it more simple, a business or any entity that fails to maintain a robust security protocol faces higher chances of security breaches.

Most Common Threats to Network Security

The most challenging and dangerous network security threats that are frequently surfacing, include:

DDOS ( Distributed Denial of Service) Attacks

In this type of attack, a target system or network is flooded with multiple systems rendering it inaccessible or unavailable to authorised or legitimate users. It is among the most dangerous network security threats that can lead to costly damage and an undefendable situation.

Ransomware Attack

This attack is usually used for ransom payments where hackers lock users out of the systems whether in computer or mobile devices until the target pays the ransom amount. Such attacks may result in manipulation, loss and damage of files and data from the user’s system.


This is an umbrella term for numerous malicious software like Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, etc. In this type of attack, threat actors can install the malware in the target’s systems and then cause damage or breach data.


In this type of attack, targets receive seemingly genuine emails, text messages or links, luring the target to open or click on such links for hackers to obtain sensitive information.

Devastating Impacts of Network Attack

Businesses, Individuals, or any organization is at risk of facing a massive blow in the face of a Network security attack. Here are some of the destructive consequences:

Loss of Data: A network security attack or breach can lead to damage/manipulation of confidential and critical data like financial information, customer’s personal details, intellectual property, etc.

Financial Loss: Business entities are at risk of facing heavy financial loss in the event of a network security breach. From paying hefty fines for breach of standard norms to heavy legal proceedings, and losing customers, network security attack causes huge revenue loss.

Reputational Damage: Not just financial loss, network security breach does more damage to the reputation. From losing the customer’s trust and confidence to exposing an inefficient security structure in the company, it becomes challenging to gain back trust after a security incident. No customer or partner is willing to invest or tie up with an entity that does not promise security.

Operational Downtime: Reviving back from an attack can be time-consuming. The duration is contingent upon the severity and complexity of the attack. This results in halting the company’s operational functions which not only impacts their productivity, but also causes loss of revenue, loss of customers and their confidence in the business.

Measures for Protecting Your Network

While there are numerous ways to thwart Network attacks, let us explore some of the most effective methods to protect your network

Installing antivirus software

This is the first line of defence that you can employ to keep your network protected and safeguard strong security. Installing antivirus software can help you detect possible attacks lurking around your systems and thwart anomalous and malicious files from reaching your system. There are numerous antivirus available with options for regular updates.

Keep Strong Passwords and Multiple Factor Authentication

Protecting your network demands a strong shield. Having strong passwords for access to systems and applications is key to safeguarding your digital network. Regularly changing them is one good method of saving your network from malicious actors infiltrating your system. Having multi-factor authentication is a double-edged protection. In the event of a threat actor cracking your password, a two-factor or multi-factor authentication serves as double-shielded protection.

Implement Strong Security Policies

Another indispensable step to protect your network is to enforce robust security measures and protocols. This includes having stringent security measures within your workforce and making them aware and well-informed about best practices and the devastating consequences. The policies must also ensure the protection of your network by installing strong antivirus, strong security practices, regular updates and security testing like penetration testing and compliance with the standard norms and regulations.

Installing Firewalls

Firewalls are powerful tools for safeguarding networks against threats and attacks. With firewalls in place, it can prevent anomalous and unauthorized access to the network by restricting their traffic. You can configure firewalls to check traffic of certain types and allow incoming traffic like email or web traffic.

Monitoring Activity and Regular Updating

One of the vital steps is to keep track of the activity on your network. By monitoring your activity logs, you will be able to identify abnormal and suspicious activities on time and take timely measures to avoid potential threats.

Network security today is a very critical component of the information/cybersecurity landscape. Becoming an expert in this field will open doors to several opportunities. Pursuing a Cybersecurity degree program can facilitate a smooth entry into the job market. Employees in an organization who wish to learn more about Network security can also rely on such courses to build expertise and become a valuable asset to the company.